Data gravity

By Dustin

The 5th and 6th episodes were fun to record. We didn’t really have anything scripted and went more or less off the cuff based on where Brittany wanted to drive the conversation. I’ve done a fair amount of thinking and analysis around strategy for applications and data and how they pertain to cloud and other…

Augmented BS followup

By Dustin

There were a couple points I wanted to elaborate that I noticed as I was cutting the latest episode. First, I made a comment along the lines of “AR has been around pretty much as long as we have had computers” I think this was a bit of a misstatement. I was thinking as long…

About Dustin

By Dustin

I’ve been interested in computers and technology as long as I can remember. My first computer was a Tandy 2000, followed by I believe a Packard Bell. I think my language progression has looked something like: BASIC > C++ > VB6 > Scheme (Lisp) > Java > C#.NET > Python > Objective C > ASM…

About Brittany

By Brittany

I tripped and fell into technology, by way of a leadership program at EMC. They recruited me out of my undergrad program for supply chain management at Syracuse University. I have always been interested in figuring out the fastest way to do things – I was a “color outside the lines child,” due to the…